Brenda Power

97.3% of all businesses are run by Small Business Entrepreneurs

You are not alone in this journey!Ā 

  • Independently Owned and Operated by You
  • Controlled and Paid For by You
  • All Major Management Decisions Rest With You
So how can so many of us survive side-by-side?

Because of our unique strengths that medium and large business struggle to compete with:

  • Your offering is personalized and enables relationships to develop, resulting in a positive customer experience
  • It is specialized, unique to you and easily tailored to the individual customer
  • It is likely convenient and often local or internet accessible
  • You can be flexible in your offering and delivery, responding to market demand as it changes
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Stay Informed

A critical success factor for all Small Business Entrepreneurs is to Stay Informed!

That means watching the market trends, listening to the news and connecting with business support groups.

So What Can We Do For You?

Does this sound familiar:

I didn't know where to start so I tried everything.

If it was FREE, I took it!

If it could be paid for by the Government, I took it!

I even dragged my husband, kicking and screaming to small business management training.

After many years of training and experience, studying alot in the Business and Project Management space, keeping the good stuff... I started teaching accredited courses and helping hundreds of students obtain their Business qualifications.


FAST TRACK Your Entrepreneurial Journey as a new or experienced Parent Entrepreneur.

Yes, everything I produce has a strong support focus for parents juggling parenthood and entrepreneurship (aka parentrepreneurship). However, we welcome anyone who finds the content useful.


Let's Get Quizzical!

Treat yourself with these series of FREE quizzes.

Developed for the emerging Entrepreneur in you, to baseline where you are at right now and identify your strengths.

See your growth over time as your confidence and skills develop.

Take Me to the Quizzes!

Digital Courses

Empowering you to tailor your business activities to align seamlessly with the lifestyle you aspire to lead.

FREE and paid courses ...

Check Them Out!

Webinars, Podcasts & Community

Designed to dive deeper in to topics covered in the guides, templates, and newsletter.

Q&A sessions to respond to member queries.

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Tips, Tricks & Templates

Lots of FREE templates, tips, and tricks.

Supported by Case Studies and risk management recommendations.

Search Our Articles

Glossary of Financial Terms & Acronyms

Glossary of Financial Terms and Acronyms for Australia, New Zealand, UK and USA.

It's like learning a new language so take the time to develop and increase your financial literacy.

Show Me, Please!

Financial Fitness Challenge

Move past living from one pay day to the next, unable to save for emergencies, weighed down by debt or confusion with finance speak, even if you don't have much income to start with!

The challenge runs for 29 days and starts WHEN YOU ARE READY.

Take Me to the Challenge

Business Kickstart Program

Empowering Small Business Entrepreneurs to Thrive in Their Zone of Genius!

Ready to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality?

Building a successful small business requires the right tools and guidance every step of the way.

From crafting business plans to mastering marketing, we've got you covered.

Discover all the essential resources you need to thrive in the competitive world of small business. From legal requirements to financial planning, our toolkit has everything to fuel your success.

Don't let uncertainty hold you back.

  • Sign up today to unlock access to our newsletter, where you'll receive invaluable insights, tips, and strategies delivered straight to your inbox.
  • Plus, gain exclusive access to a treasure trove of free business resources, templates, and tools designed to streamline your journey.
  • Join our community of like-minded entrepreneurs and stay ahead of the curve with notifications on new training releases.
Take the first step towards building a thriving small business ā€“ the tools & support you need are just a click away.
Join the Business Kickstart Program Today!

Problems of Small Business

One in five small businesses will fail within its first five years!

It is a sad but preventable outcome that has been repeated consistently around the world for many years.

The most common reasons for business failure include:

  • a lack of management skills, including market research, business and financial planning
  • a lack of funding to start-up and run the business, cash flow and pricing/cost issues
  • Slow or lack of ability to pivot as markets change such as; changing business plans, launching new or improving products, rebranding, changing or retraining teams, securing additional funding

The Business Kickstart Program incorporates lessons learned from 35 years experience as aĀ mother of four boys, small business entrepreneur, and fighting these very issues from the beginning.

In 1988, we started the family business with:

  • his stubborn desire to work for himself, to be free from a boss telling him what to do
  • a trade skill people were willing to pay for
  • friends to help spread the word
  • no money, literally! Living from pay to pay... then there was none!
  • a shed out back for him to work in and family car to get around in
  • a technology revolution in our chosen market, making our offering obsolete within months of starting
  • no business training, in fact we only had high school education and he had an incomplete trade qualificationĀ 
  • and to top off our first year in business, the country went into Recession!

I knew this was a recipe for failure so I set out to support the family business, to get as much training as I could, and quickly. I embraced the technology so we could pivot and cancelling my maternity leave to ensure we kept the roof over our heads, food on the table, and care for our baby.

Subscribe Today!

Subscribe to the Business Kickstart Program to receive tips, tricks, templates, guides and notification of our upcoming courses and webinars straight to your inbox.

All designed to empower you, the Small Business Entrepreneur!


The Savvy Entrepreneur

Thriving as a savvy entrepreneur requires a combination of hard work, adaptability, continuous learning, strong branding, and self-care.

Embrace these principles, stay committed to your vision, and never stop pursuing your entrepreneurial dreams.

With determination, resilience, and a savvy mindset, you have the power to navigate the small business world successfully and achieve great heights of success.

Good luck on your journey!